Our logo is the most simplified representation of our brand. Its design helps express how we bridge the gap between technology and healthcare, creating stronger connections.
Cobranding illustrates our relationship with other organizations. Requests for cobranding can come from clients, vendors, charities and marketing partners.
In all communications that are sent through Teladoc Health, our logo should always be in the primary (left/first) position when combined with the partner logo.
Clear space around the logo ensures integrity, visibility and clarity. All of our logos, regardless of type, should be kept clear of other logos and design elements.
Logo clear space
All of our logos, regardless of type, should be kept clear of other logos and design elements. The correct clear space is determined by the height of “Teladoc“ and represented by an "X" around all sides of the logo.
Minimum print logo size
Minimum digital logo size
For additional guidance, download our brand guidelines.